Pudina kothamalli thuvaiyal

Recipe for Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal. Tamil style Mint and Coriander chutney made without coconut. Best accompaniment for idli, dosa and rice.

Here is a very simply everyday thuvaiyal recipe made with mint leaves and coriander leaves. This thuvayal is made without coconut and is a perfect side for idli, dosa and rice. This recipe comes together in less than 10-15 minutes and is perfect for beginners. This thuvayal / chutney packs a punch and is a house favorite.

Here is the video of how to do Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal.

Here is a step by step pictorial of how to do Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal

Wash and clean a cup each of the mint leaves and coriander leaves. Pick the leaves from the mint and discard the stem. As with coriander leaves, you can use both the stem and the leaves. I even like to add a couple of roots from the coriander leaves as it makes the chutney very flavorful. The roots of coriander leaves are used generously in Thai cuisine. Don’t add too many roots. Just 2-3 is fine. Make sure to clean well and there is no sand particles left.

Heat Indian sesame oil in a pan and add in the chana dal, urad dal and the tamarind. Saute on a low flame until the lentils are nice and golden.

Add in the dried red chillies. Saute for a few seconds. Remove this mixture from the pan and set aside on a plate to cool.

In the same pan, add in a teaspoon of Indian sesame oil. When the pan is hot, add in the Indian small onions (shallots) and regular onions. Add in the salt. Saute till the onions are soft and slightly brown.

Add in the tomatoes and the jaggery. The jaggery is optional but I really like the faint sweetness of jaggery and how it balances the whole dish. Spicy, sweet and tangy!!!!

Saute till the tomatoes are nice and soft. Add in the cleaned coriander leaves and mint leaves.

After adding the leaves, do not cook for long. Just wait for the leaves to wilt. It will take just a minute. Remove the pan from heat and set aside to cool.

Now lets grind the pudina kothamalli thuvaiyal. First grind the lentils with quarter cup of water. Do not add a lot of water as the thuvaiyal should be thick consistency. Grind the lentils to a fine paste.

Add in the onion-tomato-mint-coriander mixture to the mixie and grind to a paste. Do not grind for long. Little specks of coriander and mint should be seen.

Final Tempering of Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal
Heat Indian sesame oil in a pan and add in the mustard seeds and urad dal. Let the mustard seeds crackle and the urad dal brown. Add in the curry leaves, dried red chillies and a pinch of asafoetida. Saute for a few seconds. Add it to the chutney.

Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal is ready. This tastes fantastic with both tiffin items like idli-dosa and also with rice.

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Pudina kothamalli thuvaiyal

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Recipe for Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal. Tamil style Mint and Coriander chutney made without coconut. Best accompaniment for idli, dosa and rice.



    For the Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal 
    1 cup mint leaves
    1 cup coriander leaves
    2 teaspoon sesame oil (divided)
    1 tablespoon chana dal
    1 tablespoon urad dal
    A small marble size tamarind
    4 dried red chillies
    5 Indian shallots (small onions)
    1/4 cup regular sliced onions
    1 teaspoon salt
    2 Tomato, chopped
    1 teaspoon jaggery
    Final Tempering of Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal 
    1 teaspoon Indian sesame oil
    1/4 teaspoon mustard seeds
    1/2 teaspoon urad dal
    1 sprig curry leaves
    2 dried red chillies
    a pinch of asafoetida


    Wash and clean a cup each of the mint leaves and coriander leaves. Pick the leaves from the mint and discard the stem. As with coriander leaves, you can use both the stem and the leaves.

    Heat Indian sesame oil in a pan and add in the chana dal, urad dal and the tamarind. Saute on a low flame until the lentils are nice and golden.

    Add in the dried red chillies. Saute for a few seconds. Remove this mixture from the pan and set aside on a plate to cool.

    In the same pan, add in a teaspoon of Indian sesame oil. When the pan is hot, add in the Indian small onions (shallots) and regular onions. Add in the salt. Saute till the onions are soft and slightly brown.

    Add in the tomatoes and the jaggery. The jaggery is optional but I really like the faint sweetness of jaggery and how it balances the whole dish. Spicy, sweet and tangy!!!!

    Saute till the tomatoes are nice and soft. Add in the cleaned coriander leaves and mint leaves. After adding the leaves, do not cook for long. Just wait for the leaves to wilt. It will take just a minute. Remove the pan from heat and set aside to cool.

    Now lets grind the Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal. First grind the lentils with quarter cup of water. Do not add a lot of water as the thuvaiyal should be thick consistency. Grind the lentils to a fine paste. Add in the onion-tomato-mint-coriander mixture to the mixie and grind to a paste. Do not grind for long. Little specks of coriander and mint should be seen.

    Final Tempering of Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal : Heat Indian sesame oil in a pan and add in the mustard seeds and urad dal. Let the mustard seeds crackle and the urad dal brown. Add in the curry leaves, dried red chillies and a pinch of asafoetida. Saute for a few seconds. Add it to the chutney.

    Pudina Kothamalli Thuvaiyal /Pudina Kothamalli Thogayal is ready.

    • Author: Suguna Vinodh

    10 thoughts on “Pudina kothamalli thuvaiyal”

    1. Hi,
      Recently came across your website. Your recipes are delicious. About to try the coriander thuvayal next. How many days would this recipe keep for ?

      Is it possible to make a batch and keep for a week ?

    2. I tried this today. It was delicious . Thanks for the wonderful recipe. Horlicks madhri apdiye sapdalam 🙂

    3. Ram N Shenoy

      Have been a bigtime user of this site. Great recipes I like the Tamilnadu – Chettinad/Kongunadu recipes. Thanks so much for your research and sharing the world of recipes. A big fan.

    4. Hi
      You have a receipe saying Tamil mint and coriander chutney with coconut but in the ingredients there’s no coconut mentioned. Please let me know so I add coconut and how much.

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