Sri Lankan Green Bean Curry

Sri Lankan Green Bean Curry (2)

Recipe for Sri Lankan-style green bean curry made with beans, shallots, spices, and herbs. Finished with coconut milk for the rich flavour. Served with rice.

This is one of my favorite ways to serve green beans. The kick from the chillies nicely balanced by the rich coconut milk and well-cooked beans served with rice is my kind of everyday meal. This curry comes together in no time and is perfect when served with rice. I learnt this recipe from Sathiskumar Shanmugam of @thecurryleafchef His food is predominantly Tamil-style Sri Lankan and I love it. His Insta stories are filled with him making tea of all types for his family.

The first time I had this curry was on our trip to Srilanka. This featured almost every day during lunch wherever we went. Sometimes the same preparation is made with long beans too. This slightly wet vegetable preparation goes so well with rice. One of the perfect everyday side dishes you can make.

The original recipe uses Sri Lankan unroasted curry powder. If you cannot source Sri Lankan unroasted curry powder, Indian garam masala powder or Indian curry powder, or store-bought South Indian chicken masala powder is a very good substitute.
Indian Curry Powder
South Indian Chicken Masala Powder

Here are the things you can buy online for making this recipe
Serrated Kitchen Knife For Indian Kitchen
White Granite Pan with Lid PFOA Free
Indian Curry Powder
South Indian Chicken Masala Powder
Red Chilli Flakes

Here is the video of how to make Sri Lankan Green Bean Curry

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Sri Lankan Green Bean Curry

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Recipe for Sri Lankan-style green bean curry made with beans, shallots, spices, and herbs. Finished with coconut milk for the rich flavour. Served with rice.

  • Total Time: 30m
  • Yield: 3 servings 1x



1 tablespoon coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds
1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 cup shallots, sliced
5 cloves garlic, sliced
1 sprig of curry leaves
1 tomato, chopped
250 grams of green beans, chopped
3 tablespoon water to cook
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes
1 teaspoon Srilankan unroasted curry powder (see notes)
1/4 cup thick coconut milk


Heat coconut oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds, fennel seeds, and cumin seeds. Let the mustard seeds crackle. Add in the chopped shallots, garlic, and curry leaves. Saute on a low flame till the shallots are soft. Add the tomatoes and cook for a couple of minutes more. Let the tomatoes become soft and mushy. I cover the pan with a lid while the tomatoes are cooking so it cooks faster.

Add in the chopped green beans. Chop the green beans at an angle. Add a few tablespoons of water and mix well to combine. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes or until the beans are tender.

Add in the salt, turmeric powder, curry powder, and red chilli flakes. Cook for a couple of minutes.

Finally, add the coconut milk and cook for a minute. I have used canned coconut milk and it works just fine.

Our Green bean curry is ready. Remove from heat and serve with rice.


The original recipe uses Sri Lankan unroasted curry powder. If you cannot source Sri Lankan unroasted curry powder, Indian garam masala powder or Indian curry powder, or store-bought South Indian chicken masala powder is a very good substitute.
Indian Curry Powder
South Indian Chicken Masala Powder

  • Author: Suguna Vinodh
  • Prep Time: 10m
  • Cook Time: 20m

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