Bread Omelette Recipe

Recipe for Bread Omelet / Omelette made Indian style. Recipe with step by step pictures / images and video. Bread omelet toast sandwich recipe Tamil style. முட்டை பிரட் ஆம்லெட் செய்வது எப்படி.

There are a countless number of ways to do bread omelette and this is my way of doing it. Bread and eggs for breakfast is comfort food for all of us. I like to add a little bit of mayonnaise to my bread omelette. I also like to make it extra spicy. Two eggs per omelette is ideal per person. I also like to add a little water while making the omelette as it makes for very soft and fluffy omelettes. Instead of water, one can add milk too.

Here is the video of how to do bread omelette sandwich Indian style.

Click the link below to find the recipes on the site that uses the main ingredient as Bread.
Recipes using Bread

Here are some of the equipment, utensils and gadgets that will be useful for making this recipe. Click the link to buy them online.
Glass Prep Bowls – Thick Pyrex
PFOA-free Try Ply Heavy Non Stick Pan
Pepper Mill Grinder
Kewpie Mayonnaise

Here is the step by step recipe of how to do bread omelette sandwich Indian style.
Two eggs is ideal for one sandwich. Country eggs taste really great in a bread omelette. But use whatever eggs you have on hand. Break the eggs in a bowl and set aside.

Add in the salt and turmeric powder. I like to add turmeric powder to my omelette as it gives a nice bright yellow colour that’s so good. It is not very traditional to add turmeric but I love it in my omelet. Add in the finely chopped onions, green chillies and coriander leaves. Add a little water. The water will lighten the batter and makes for really soft omelettes. Instead of water, one can use a tablespoon of milk too.

Whisk everything with a fork for a few seconds. Set aside.

Heat butter in a pan until hot. You can use oil instead of butter but I advise you to use butter as the flavour of butter cannot be beat. Add in the omelette mixture to the pan. Swirl the pan so the omelette mixture evenly spread and covers the width of the pan.

Add two bread slices on top of the omelette. Milk bread, Brown bread, Whole Wheat – anything will work well.

Immediately flip the bread. A little bit of the egg mixture would stick to the bread.

Sprinkle black pepper. Be lavish with black pepper. Freshly ground black pepper adds a nice aroma and flavour.

Cook for 30 seconds on a medium flame.

Now, flip the omelette along with the bread slices.

Fold the omelette on the bread like the picture below. Watch the video if doubtful.

Add half a teaspoon of butter so the bread can nicely toast and crisp up into a beautiful sandwich.

Spread a little mayonnaise on one side of the omelette. This is not very traditional but mayonnaise gives a very nice and smooth mouthfeel to the sandwich.

Fold the sandwich and cook the sides like the picture below.

Remove the bread omelette sandwich from the pan and cut into four slices. The perfect street food breakfast / nashta is ready.

Sprinkle a little coriander leaves and green chillies. Serve hot with tea.

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Bread Omelette Recipe

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Recipe for Bread Omelet / Omelette made Indian style. Recipe with step by step pictures / images and video. Bread omelet toast sandwich recipe Tamil style. முட்டை பிரட் ஆம்லெட் செய்வது எப்படி.

  • Total Time: 6m
  • Yield: 1 serving 1x


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon green chilli, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoon onion, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon coriander leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 teaspoon + 1/2 teaspoon unsalted butter
  • 2 sandwich bread slices
  • a pinch of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon mayonnaise (optional)
  • coriander and green chillies for garnish


  • Break the eggs in a bowl and set aside. Add in the salt and turmeric powder. I like to add turmeric powder to my omelette as it gives a nice bright yellow colour that’s so good. It is not very traditional to add turmeric but I love it in my omelet. Add in the finely chopped onions, green chillies, coriander leaves and water.
  • Whisk everything with a fork for a few seconds. Set aside.
  • Heat butter in a pan until hot. You can use oil instead of butter but I advise you to use butter as the flavour of butter cannot be beat. Add in the omelette mixture to the pan. Swirl the pan so the omelette mixture evenly spread and covers the width of the pan.
  • Add two bread slices on top of the omelette. Milk bread, Brown bread, Whole Wheat – anything will work well. Immediately flip the bread. A little bit of the egg mixture would stick to the bread. Sprinkle black pepper. Be lavish with black pepper. Freshly ground black pepper adds a nice aroma and flavour.
  • Cook for 30 seconds on a medium flame. Now, flip the omelette along with the bread slices. Fold the omelette on the bread like the picture below. Watch the video if doubtful.
  • Add half a teaspoon of butter so the bread can nicely toast and crisp up into a beautiful sandwich. Spread a little mayonnaise on one side of the omelette. This is not very traditional but mayonnaise gives a very nice and smooth mouthfeel to the sandwich. Fold the sandwich and cook the sides.
  • Remove the bread omelette sandwich from the pan and cut into four slices. The perfect street food breakfast / nashta is ready.
  • Author: Suguna Vinodh
  • Prep Time: 3m
  • Cook Time: 3m

6 thoughts on “Bread Omelette Recipe”

  1. Had it for breakfast this morning. It was very good. Such a nice twist to the humble bread-omelette. Thanks for the recipe, Kannamma. 🙂

  2. This recipe was so good! The flavours all came together so beautifully. Took me back to memories of bread omelette in front of Alsa mall, Chennai and this was even better!

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